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During the election, I picked up this habit of bookmarking articles I came across in my websurfing that I thought were particularly interesting, thoughtful, or just a great expression of a policy or ideal that resonated with me. It started as a reference library for combating Republican/McCain campaign lies, but it's transformed over time into my blog equivalent of an upvote.
Lately it seems I bookmark a lot, but rarely find a good excuse to use it, so I've been thinking of doing semi-regular link dumps, just in case people are curious in the sorts of stuff that I stuff into my brain on a regular basis.
So, without further ado, here's my first set of handpicked links:
- Matt Yglesias on The Noble Eightfold Path of Consumer Protection
- Yglesias again, this time on Rationing, the Post Office, and the Public Option
- Chris Hayes of the Nation, taking the time to help the GOP answer some questions about healthcare
- In the same vein, one DailyKos diarist is ready to surrender to Republican demands on health care
- Getting a bit more serious, Hunter draws some uncomfortable lines between the nutty right wing protests of today, and the anti-civil rights protests of yesteryear (which another diary underscores)
- Steven Pearlstein momentarily awakens from his newspaper-induced torpor, and stands up to say that the media is failing to do its job
- And finally, to take at least one break from the theme, here's Paul Krugman on our economic outlook.
- NetRunner